Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

One of the major aspects of the Sacrament of Confirmation are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that are bestowed on the candidate when they are sealed with the Holy Spirit. The candidate when participating in Confirmation accepts that their mission is to be witnesses of Jesus in their families and communities. And, the reception of those gifts helps each candidate succeed on their mission.

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

A Confirmation is the point where a child becomes an adult in the eyes of the Catholic Church. It, along with Holy Orders and Baptism, may only be received one time in a person's life and is very important. It puts a seal on the person's soul that connects them forever with the Holy Spirit. The sacrament brings the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to us and allows us to use them in our every day lives. These gifts are Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Fear of the Lord, Knowledge, Fortitude, and Piety. These gifts can make a person into somebody completely different and that is why Confirmation is such an outstanding event in life.

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit


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