Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven
Gifts Ungiven

Azami, Lady of Scrolls is a wonderful new addition to the Faeries deck. It helps end matches quickly by helping the Faeries player dig for answers when a Riptide Laboratory isn't up and running. Gifts Ungiven is so powerful. It helps justify not running more copies of Engineered Explosives, an idea that is further reinforced with Life from the Loam and Academy Ruins. The singleton Triskelion is used as a stabilizing machine and win condition as it performs multiple functions. It swings in for four, shoots up to three targets and survives to chumpblock another turn, then it gets played again thanks to Academy Ruins. During Ravnica-Time Spiral season Academy Ruins was used for the sole purpose of recurring Triskelavus in Standard and also recurring Mindslaver in Extended. It's nice to see Triskelion getting attention as well.

Gifts Ungiven

Faeries evolved like no other deck during Grand Prix - Los Angeles at the start of the Magic: the Gathering Extended PTQ season. Patrick Chapin and Manuel Bucher brought an innovative, fun and invigorating build of Faeries utilizing both the Gifts Ungiven engine and the power of Life From the Loam when powered by cycling lands.

Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven

Gifts Ungiven
Gifts Ungiven


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